miss me too ©

miss me too ©

and if you were to say you missed me,

i’d ask to see the proof. 

i’d ask about those dreary days 

locked up in your room. 

i’d ask to see the rivers that formed 

from crying yourself to sleep. 

the stuffy nose and puffy eyes,

biting pillows to hide your weeps. 

i’d ask to hear your empty stomach

howling to be fed. 

sheets and sheets of empty pleas 

pouring from your head. 

i’d ask to see the permanent dents 

from laying in your bed.

replaying conversations, 

imagining things that were never said. 

so if you were to say you missed me,

i’d ask to see the proof. 

i’d ask to hear you tell the tale

of what happened in that room. 

i’d ask to hear your memories of me,

not too far and few. 

i’d ask you to restore this mind of mine

cause I sure do miss me too. 

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